
完全選舉手冊 Campaign  預告片

Japan | 2007 | 紀錄Doc | 120min

10/16 (日) 13:00 想田和弘

10/22 (六) 13:00

想田和弘 Kazuhiro Soda

參展 柏林影展 | 雪梨影展 | 布宜諾斯艾利斯國際獨立影展



Can a candidate with no political experience and no charisma win an election if he is backed by the political giant Prime Minister Koizumi and his Liberal Democratic Party? This cinema-verite documentary closely follows a heated election campaign in Kawasaki, Japan, revealing the true nature of 『democracy.』

In the fall of 2005, 40-year-old, self-employed Kazuhiko 『Yama-san』 Yamauchi’s peaceful, humdrum life was turned upside-down. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) had suddenly chosen him as its official candidate to run for a vacant seat on the Kawasaki city council. Yama-san had zero experience in politics, no charisma, no supporters, no constituency, and no time to prepare for the impending election.

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完全精神手冊 Mental  預告片

Japan | 2008 | 紀錄Doc | 135min

10/16 (日) 18:00 想田和弘

10/22 (六) 15:40

想田和弘 Kazuhiro Soda

2008 柏林影展最佳紀錄片入圍
2008 韓國釜山影展最佳紀錄片
2008 杜拜影展最佳紀錄片
2009 香港國際電影節優秀紀錄片人道獎



MENTAL is a documentary that observes the complex world of an outpatient mental health clinic Chorale Okayama in Japan, interwoven with patients, doctors, staff, volunteers, and home-helpers.

People with various mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, panic disorder, and personality disorder visit Chorale Okayama to see Dr. Masatomo Yamamoto. They are men and women of all ages, with diverse backgrounds and various attitudes to their own illnesses.

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完全和平手冊 Peace  預告片

Japan | 2010 | 紀錄Doc | 75min

10/15 (六) 18:30 想田和弘

10/29 (六) 18:30

想田和弘 Kazuhiro Soda



What is peace? What is coexistence? And what are the bases for them?

PEACE is a visual-essay-like observational documentary, which contemplates these questions by observing the daily lives of people and cats in Okayama city, Japan, where life and death, acceptance and rejection are intermingled.

Three people and stray cats are the main characters.

Toshio Kashiwagi runs an affordable taxi service for the disabled and the elderly, having retired as a principal at a special school. Meanwhile, he feeds a group of stray cats everyday. However, there is a growing tension in the cats’ peaceful community because a male “thief cat,” an outsider, is trying to invade it.

(Read the full synopsis:


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