

出處 翻譯 – 江映青

『Campaign may invite a certain skepticism about democracy, but it will surely restore your faith in cinema verite.』
– A.O. Scott, The New York Times


紐約時報 A.O. Scott 


『The sensation of the Berlinale』
『A grandiose introduction to the Japanese mentality』
– Andreas Platthaus, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany



德國法蘭克福匯報 Andreas Platthaus


『A parody profiling the fascinating personality of its hero』
– Thomas Sotinel, Le Monde, France


法國世界報 Thomas Sotinel


『CAMPAIGN is the very best kind of Direct Cinema.』
『Despite its tragic protagonist, CAMPAIGN just may be
the funniest film in the Forum.』
– Silvia Hallensleben, Der Tagesspiege, Germany



德國每日鏡報 Silvia Hallensleben


『Rarely has a film achieved such an intimate view
of the political process.』
– Bert Rebhandl, Die Tageszeitung, Germany


德國日報 Bert Rebhandl


出處 翻譯 – 江映青

This observational film by Soda really questions the conventional boundary that separates the mentally ill and healthy people.
- Naomi Kawase, Film Director


- 導演 河瀨直美

The uncontrollable nature of our SEISHIN, or mind, is depicted in its raw form.
- Yuna Chikushi, Artist


- 藝術家 Yuna Chikushi

Watching MENTAL, I smiled every 5 minutes, and cried 3 times. Without a doubt, it is a masterpiece. It is meant for people who can’t help revering the human soul that is formless and mysterious.
- Dr. Shuhei Oyama, Psychiatrist


- 精神科醫師 Shuhei Oyama

Great work. Marvelous movie. But an agony to watch. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen. I wanted to cry. And I did.
- David B. Carren, Writer of STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION


- 影集《銀河飛龍》編劇 David B. Carren

It is the unique film in the whole world of this quality and power, with courage and humanity to cross the border. These mental patients are talented people. They have human dignity. They have human soul. Body can be damaged but soul can never be damaged. And Soda understands this very well. It is a fascinating film with amazing quality.
- Vojtech Jasny, Film Director (ALL MY GOOD COUNTRY MEN)


- 捷克導演 Vojtech Jasny (《我的父老鄉親 (All My Good Countrymen)》)


出處 翻譯 – 江映青


Hong Kong International Film Festival

Peace is a quiet film with an unusual power to move. By following the ordinary lives of people and cats, the camera leads the audience to discover the concept of peace in its most fundamental sense, not as a state of negotiated, reluctant coexistence, but as an idea that lies at the core of our humanity. The film reveals the sublime through the mundane. (Jurors: Carma HINTON, Ruby YANG, FUJIOKA Asako)


- 香港國際電影節最佳紀錄片獎 評審團意見


by Robert Koehler

….a quality clearly on display in Kazuhiro Soda’s lovely, handmade Peace. On the surface, this is a story about caregivers, specifically the husband-and-wife team Toshio and Hiroko, who provide services for the elderly and infirm in their Tokyo prefecture. But as Soda’s camera casually observes his subjects, the lack of insistence upon a central theme frees the film to become about everything: from the behavior of a group of stray cats Toshio cares for, to the ways in which certain Tokyo alleys grow dark and forbidding as night sets in. This type of cinematic freedom is embedded in today’s vogue for more observational documentaries in—think of Sweetgrass or Foreign Parts—and, with it, Soda has developed into one of the discipline’s most interesting, and freest, artists.

影片清楚地顯現想田導演這種可愛、如手工製造的「和平」。表面上,這是一部關於照護義工—特別是Toshio和Hiroko這對夫妻—服務老弱者的故事;但隨著想田導演的鏡頭看似不經意地紀錄被攝者,不為了特定主題而拍攝的方式,使得整部電影的視野更為寬廣:從Toshio照料的一群街貓生活,到東京某些小巷入夜之後的黑暗與禁忌。這種類型的電影自由已反映在當今對於追求更多觀察式紀錄片的風潮上—比如《青青綠草(Sweetgrass)》和《外來產品(Foreign Parts)》這兩部片—於此,想田和弘可說是這個領域中最為有趣、也最自由的作者之一。

- 電影評論雜誌 Robert Koehler


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